About Me

I'm a Software Engineer for Telkomsigma in Tangerang, Indonesia.

Work description :

  1. Ask The Expert Channel for cross-functional problem solving

  2. Give initiative and show active involvement in product innovation development, business process, and / or company service according to the competence line that it

  3. Become a company representative in growing / developing network / industry based / profession / expert / principal relationships based on competency path owned

  4. Become human capital partners in the preparation of employee competency / capacity development programs and recruitment of experts according to their respective competency path

  5. Become the company's management partner in developing business opportunities according to their area of expertise

I have a serious passion to innovate in web development, dynamic user experiences, and microservices.

Let's make something special..


Ridla Fadilah

Work Process


Research and Plan


Design and Develop

